For those of you who don't know what Supernova is, it's basically Australia's biggest sci-fi convention and it's.... CRAZY!!! and i love it~
For me I'd always gone to anime conventions and never really had the chance to go to Supernova because back then i was more into Anime and Japanese stuff but now i guess I'm broadening my horizons lol

Doesn't he look amazing~ i might have scared my BF with all my squealing :S

Unfortunately me and the BF were too tired and wet (it decided to rain on us) to really enjoy the party :(
I really needed some new eye shadows but i didn't want to get MAC so i went around Chatswood looking at different brands - and this is what i discovered 

Prada wallet not included but look very sexy with the VIP card
Here are a few pics :
Bunch of cosplayers waiting to go on stage
This lady was scary '_' didn't smile once
This really made me happy!!!
I'm actually a really BIG Doctor Who fan and when this guy ran past me i swear my jaw dropped! Someone was cosplaying as the Tenth Doctor (my favourite)
And for the hard core Dr Who fans, you can't have Doctor Who without Torchwood (the sexier version) and i almost fainted when i saw Captain Jack Harkness~
So my inner geek satisfied and my wallet alot lighter when we came, off to to city to meet up with some friends to celebrate her birthday!
While I'm at it Ladies this is my wonderful BF~Justin aka Tin tin (although i have never called him that) we about to reach 3 months YAY!
I also wanted to show you some stuff i got ^^
The Make Up Store i think is a Swedish brand and the store i went to had been there maybe 1~2 years and i never really noticed it before until today when i swatched a few eye shadow and i was amazed!
I got 3 eye shadows - 2 shimmer and 1 matt
from left to right Powdery nut
and pollution
I have never felt anything silkier that these eye shadows! And dare i say it but sooo much better that MAC O.o
For one thing i get a lot more value in the MUS as its $29 for 3.5g/0.12 oz while MAC is 1.5g/0.05 oz for $37 and its alot more easier to blend.
I'll see how it goes but i'm thinking that these are going to be my HG eye shadows
By the way i joined the VIP which entitles me 10% and more
Happy Lady signing out~